Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mugshots...Where the Bun's a Big Deal

This week, I ventured to Vestavia Hills, Alabama to meet a long-time friend for lunch.  He had heard of the Grub Hub (not surprisingly) and recently suggested I add one of his favorite eateries to my list of man-food establishments.  It's called Mugshots and that's where we went.  With eight locations across LA, MS and AL - these folks pride themselves in serving up great burgers.  I decided to put them to the test.

A little bit of pre-visit research on their website led me to the statement, "It is all about the bun."  This made me nervous, I have to admit.  After all, if the best thing a guy can come up with about his burger is "the bun" - there ought to be reason for concern.  Nevertheless, I pressed on.

The menu was filled with many of your standard items...appetizers, salads, sandwiches, desserts...and, of course...burgers.  I was there for the burger, so I didn't waste my decision-making energy on the other sections.  Our server came to take our drink orders fairly quickly and I will give Mugshots kudos for having Coke Zero as an option (more restaurants need to learn this lesson).  My glass was large, which I like, but I did have to ask for a refill on two different occasions.  For some of you, that's seems immaterial.  But for others, I know you can feel my angst.

Upon delivering my beverage, I said to the gal, "This is my first time here, what would you recommend?"  Her soft response went something like this, "Well.....the burgers are pretty good."  To be honest, I was hoping for a bit more confidence.  Something like, "the burgers here are PHENOMENAL...I mean, the other stuff is good, too...but if this is your first time, you gotta go with a burger!"  It was the lunch hour and she was busy, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

My obvious next question was, "which burger is your BEST burger?"  This is where I began to feel a little uneasy.  "One of our most popular burgers is this one (as she points to the menu) has peanut butter on it!"  Really?  Did she just say what I think she said?  I wondered if perhaps she was new, but upon further examination, I noticed that at Mughosts you can order up all sorts of goofy things on your burger...peanut butter, cheddar cheese sauce (never do this), thousand island dressing (isn't there a place that refers to this as "special" sauce?), grape jelly, sour cream and more. 

The burger I went with is called the "McDonald."  I'm thinking they need to come up with a better name for their signature burger, don't you?  The description was as follows - "By far the best burger on the menu...8 oz seasoned beef patty racked (whatever that means) with strips of hickory smoked bacon, cheddar cheese, creamy ranch, smoky BBQ sauce, lettuce, tomato and red onion."  My two word evaluation:  tasty, satisfactory.  The meat was decent, but I'm doubtful that it was a fresh, hand-formed patty.  Back to the whole bun thing for just a was square and sweet...yes, you read that correctly, square and sweet.  Okay, I'll come clean...the bun actually wasn't too bad, but I did find myself leaving parts of it on my plate.

My buddy went with the "Pato" burger - a basic burger with a combination of swiss and cheddar cheese.  It looked good and I was glad to see he didn't go weird on me...and get the grape jelly.  The fry and onion ring combination is a good call...and there's actually a pretty decent dipping sauce that comes on the side. 

I'm not an anti-Mugshot-ite by any means.  I'll be back.  I'm certain my family would enjoy an outing, but with two members allergic to peanut butter, we'll certainly be careful in our burger selection!

Friday, March 16, 2012

March Madness Idea - Cheap and Delicious

I love March Madness...particularly the first weekend.  48 basketball games in four days!  It doesn't get any better this (although my bracket could sure stand to get better right now).  When you're trying to catch as many games as possible, it's essential to be set up with good game food.  Chips and dip will only take you so far.  Time doesn't always allow you to get creative, and when the budget is tight, you might not have the ability to splurge.  So what should a hungry fan do when he's hankering a game time snack?

A friend of mine in Naples, Florida put me onto this idea several years ago.  It's the CiCi's take-out cinnamon rolls.  Hang with me on this one.  I know that CiCi's is usually covered up with out-of-control kids attending their end-of-season soccer party.  I also know that the pizza is sub-standard, the salad bar is basic and the pasta is rubbery.  But I have to tell you...the cinnamon rolls are amazing!  Their Facebook page describes them like this..."Gooey, warm, sticky little two-bite buns that make your mouth water and your heart sing as you take that first bite."  The only issue I take with this description is that I've probably consumed a few in my lifetime in one bite, not two.  Sure, they are good in the restaurant, but they move to another level when ordered to-go (just about $4 for a box).  You see, when you place an order to take with you, the cinnamon rolls come to you straight from the oven, hot and fresh!

Let me give you a hint, though. Be ready to eat them right when you get home (this assumes you are able to make it home without reaching into the box as you drive).  Don't wait or let them sit too long.  And be ready to fend off the family...if you step out of the room for even a minute or leave the box unsupervised, you'll regret it.   Finally, make sure you have a gallon of ice cold milk on hand and enjoy!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Saw's - Get There As Fast As You Can!

Wow.  I may, in fact, have a new favorite place to eat BBQ in Birmingham.  Jim-N-Nick's, Full Moon, Johnny Ray's, Golden Rule and even (I can't believe I'm saying this) Dreamland are now chasing a new frontrunner in my book.  Recently, a friend said to me, "if you want a hole-in-the-wall with the best BBQ in town, you need to go to Saw's!"  His confidence and description encouraged me to add it to the top of my list of places to try.  Saw's BBQ is located in Homewood, Alabama just a stone's throw from Dawson Memorial Baptist Church.  Having grown up in Texas, I've always been a bit biased toward beef brisket.  So needless to say, I went into this "North Carolina" venture with a bit of skepticism. 

Saw's is not a big place (10 small tables and 6 stools), but it was full of people.  The entire time we were there, there was never a moment that someone wasn't in line at the counter.  By the way, it's worth noting that there was a 5:1 ratio of men to women.  If you're going to dine in, be prepared to come out smelling like smoked meat...and know that it will stay with you the whole day.  (side note:  a few hours after my lunch, I picked up my son from school.  The first thing he said to me was not, "hi dad"... but rather, "what have you been eating?")

My wife went with the Pork Sandwich Combo, which came with one side (she had the potato salad and loved it) and a drink.  The pork was a perfect combination of inside/outside meat and it had great flavor!  The sauce is vinegar based and has a good balance of flavor and tang.  The sandwich combo is a great choice for a quick and inexpensive lunch!

As for me, I went with Saw's Sampler...two ribs, a quarter chicken and a pile of pork.  Now, I fully realize that spares and baby-backs are two different rib conversations.  I get that.  Someday we'll have that conversation.  Saw's does spares...they were tender and flavorful with just the right texture on the outside.  The chicken...simply delicious.  My "sampler" also came with two sides...I went with the mac-n-cheese (amazing) and the collard greens (also amazing).  I managed to peek in on the guy next to me and he had deviled eggs that looked pretty tasty.  Saw's also has a unique white barbeque sauce that goes best with the chicken, but before my meal was over, I was dipping everything in it! 

The service?  Quick and friendly.  I had to wait a few minutes on my mac-n-cheese (because they had run out and needed 10 minutes to "bake in" the top layer of cheese on the next batch), but it was worth the wait.  Crushed ice (although it was only available behind the counter, not at the drink station) and great sweet tea filled my cup that was a tad on the small side - but that was a small detail in comparison to the meal.

Bottom line...Saw's is a winner!  I will be back.  I will tell others.  If you like BBQ and you haven't been to Saw''re missing out...get there as fast as you can!  And if you think there's better in B'ham, I'd love to know about it.  


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Best Burger in Birmingham?

For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed food.  And it doesn't have to be fancy or expensive to be good in my book.  At the top of my list...a great hamburger.  While I've never considered myself to be an expert at much of anything, when it comes to burgers, I do consider myself pretty savvy.

Over the years I've had the privilege of living in Texas, Florida, Colorado and Alabama.  At every stop, I've made it a point to seek out the best burger in town.  Many make the claim, few truly deliver.  (note:  in the future, I'll write on what I consider to be the best burger I've ever had).  Now that I'm living in Birmingham, Alabama, I'm on a mission.

Recommendations that have come my way include but are not limited to:  Mughsots, Five Guys, Lloyd's, VJ's on the Runway, Johnny Rockets, Becky's, Velma's and Green Valley Drugs.  I've tried some, but not all.  Most recently, I met a friend at Green Valley Drugs in Hoover (located off Hwy 31), a place he had mentioned as one of his favorites for a good burger.  It's an old-fashioned drug store equipped with counter, stools and a few booths.  The grill was in view right behind the counter and that gave me an opportunity to look in on the process. 

I went with the bacon cheeseburger ($4.60) - done up with mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato, and a nice slice of onion.  By the way, here's an important burger principle for me - ketchup belongs on fries, not a burger.  The fact that ketchup was standard and I had to substitute was a bit disappointing, but not a deal breaker.  The meat was fresh and the patties appeared to be hand-formed. Size was pretty average, with thickness was somewhere between 1/2 and 3/4 of an inch.  As for the bun, it was basic, but at least it was toasted (which is crucial).  I do like my bacon crispy (which it was)...but it was  broken up into small pieces...not sure what that was all about.  Let it hang off the edge a little!  The tomato was, ripe and juicy.  Overall, a pretty straight forward burger and I finished every bit of it. 

So here's the summary on Green Valley Drugs.  The burger...good.  The chocolate shake...even better.  I'm pretty certain it's not the BEST burger in town, but suffice it to say, I'll make a return visit without hesitation.